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IsiXhosa poetry on Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela |
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http://hdl.handle.net/10210/3291 |
2008 |
Bobelo, Noxolo |
Prof. Z. Mtumane |
M.A. - As the title of this dissertation suggests, this study will be an analysis of isiXhosa poetry written as tribute to Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. In their poetic works on Mandela, isiXhosa poets present various aspects of this figure. These aspects include Mandela's background, physical appearance, personality, praise names and how isiXhosa poets associate him with other figures. These poets also employ a number of figures of speech and repetitive devices in their poetry. These devices add clarity to the meaning of the poetry on Nelson Mandela. All this is discussed in the chapters tabulated below: Chapter one will introduce the study by highlighting its aim, scope, method of research, explaining the concepts of stylistics and style, and the significance of the study. Chapter two will deal with the main aspects of Mandela's life that are presented in isiXhosa poetry. These aspects include Mandela's background, his physical appearance, personality traits, deeds, praise names and Mandela associated with other figures. Chapter three will focus on the figures of speech that are used in the depiction of Mandela in isiXhosa poetry. These figures of speech include simile, metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism and idioms. Chapter four will concentrate on the repetitive techniques that are employed by isiXhosa poets in the poetry on Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. These techniques include alliteration, linking, parallelism and refrains. Chapter five will be the conclusion of the study, where the summary of the study, evaluation and recommendations will be included. |
Mandela, Nelson; Xhosa poetry |
en |
Type of publication
Thesis |
Johannesburg - University of Johannesburg
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