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Points of view in Chinua Achebe's Anthills of the savannah |
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http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/11295/18686 |
2002 |
Nyandoro, George O |
The study attempts to situate point of view as an overriding aspect of Chinua Achebe's
Anthills of the Savannah. In doing so, it presumes that the thematic concerns in this
novel are influenced by the diversity of points of view which allows for proliferation
of contexts and meanings.
The study reveals that the narrators psychological .and physical proximity to the
events of the fictional world of Kangan influences their perceptions of them. For
instance, the political struggles of Kangan are perceived differently by narrators who
are farther from the centre of power and by one of the narrators who has a position of
influence in government.Similarly, perceptions on gender disparities are perceived
differently by the male narrators and the female narrator .
Thematically, this study concludes that the text foregrounds feminine power in
counteracting the overly masculine society as a process of achieving a balanced
society .Similarly, dialogue is emphasized as an alternative to the militant regime in
Kangan. At the centre of this thematic development is the strategy of shifting points of
view which allows for diversity of perspectives suggesting a tolerance of the
multiplicity of views in society. - University of Nairobi |
en |
Type of publication
Thesis |
Masters of arts |
Nairobi - University of Nairobi
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