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An Assessment of Adoption and Use of Mobile Money Services in East Africa: Case Studies from Uganda and Tanzania (Synopsis of Research Results) |
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https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8012x2rg; https://escholarship.org/content/qt8012x2rg/qt8012x2rg.pdf |
2012 |
Moshy, Batilda; Mukwaya, Paul Isolo |
Final Report/Synopsis of Research Results: Much has been written about mobile money services in Africa, particularly since the success of M-PESA in Kenya and MTN's mobile money services in Uganda, but there is a paucity of studies on why mobile money services in Tanzania are not garnering the same level of media, scholarly and customer attention. Despite the close proximity of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, the mobile money service landscape in each is quite different. There appears a compelling reason to systematically investigate the adoption behavior in view of the variability in the rate of adoption of mobile money services in Tanzania and Uganda. Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this study seeks to examine: 1) the phenomenon and pace of adoption and use of mobile money services and delves further into social cultural factors that nurture positive and/or negative intentions toward mobile money service adoption and use in Uganda and Tanzania; and 2) the effects of a customer's mobile experience and how this builds trust and loyalty/support for mobile money services. |
Tanzania; Uganda; mobile money; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) |
eScholarship, University of California |
Type of publication
article |
application/pdf |
qt8012x2rg |
Berkeley - University of California
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