Number of records: 228 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Support for parliaments: Tanzania and beyond
2. | "A woman should not be the boss when a man is present": Gender and poverty in Southern Mozambique
3. | How banks assist capital flight from Africa: A literature review
4. | Learning to build a sustainable peace: Ownership and everyday peacebuilding
5. | 'Opitanha' revisited. Assessing the implications of PARPA II in rural northern Mozambique 2006-2009
6. | The politics of women's representation in Sudan: Debating women's rights in islam from the elites to the grassroots
7. | The role of the churches in poverty reduction in Angola
8. | "If men and women were equal, we would all simply be people". Gender and poverty in northern Mozambique
9. | Rukwa Ruka. The attempt of a foreign donor to uplift a neglected region: A study of the impact of Norwegian aid to Rukwa Region, Tanzania
10. | Teaching business in Tanzania: Evaluating participation and performance
11. | The pursuit of integrity in customs: Experiences from sub-Saharan Africa
12. | Regional variation in livelihood strategies in Malawi
13. | Overworked? The relationship between workload and health worker performance in rural Tanzania
14. | Non-state actors and democratic consolidation
15. | Kalandula e os CACS. Voz activa ou prestação de contas
16. | Promoting defence management and security sector reform in Southern Africa. An assessment of SADSEM's achievements, impacts and future challenges
17. | Exploring new political alternatives for the Oromo in Ethiopia. Report from Oromo workshop and its after-effects
18. | Monitoring and evaluating Mozambique's poverty reduction strategy PARPA 2006-2008. A synopsis of three qualitative studies on rural and urban poverty
19. | Building capacity for development and food security in Malawi. Mid-term review fo the Bunda College Capacity Building Programme (BCDP)
20. | Research into action. Synergising research and outreach for development and food security in Malawi. Mid-term review of the agricultural research and development programme (ARDEP)
21. | Social Funds in Angola. Channels, Amounts and Impact
22. | Accounting for poverty reduction in Norwegian development aid to Mozambique
23. | 'Mucupuki'. Social relations of rural-urban poverty in central Mozambique
24. | Expectativas e receios face às eleições de 2008. O impacto de 1992
25. | Rich Meets Poor - an International Fairness Experiment
26. | Gender policies and feminisation of poverty in Mozambique
27. | Opposition Parties and the Upcoming 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
28. | Administering Uganda's 2006 Multiparty Elections: The Role of the Electoral Commission
29. | "How can the Elections Help us Quell Hunger?" Mid-Term Review of Norwegian Support to UNDP's Trust Fund for Civic Education
30. | "Making Elections is like Preparing Funge:If you don't do it Right it goes Puiti-Puiti!" Review of Norwegian Support to Development Workshop's Programme for Civic and Electoral Education among State and Civil Society Actors
31. | Decentralisation and Gender Coordination and Cooperation on Maternal Health Issues in Selected District Councils in Tanzania
32. | The Norad Programme in Arts and Cultural Education. A Mid-Term Review of the Programme Period 2006-2008/9
33. | Hvordan gjøre gode ting bedre? Norske bedrifters CSR aktiviteter i utviklingsland
34. | Land tenure and mining in Tanzania
35. | Revenue Authorities and State Capacity in Anglophone Africa
36. | Donor Support to Political Parties: Status and Principles
37. | Arab Foreign Aid: Disbursement Patterns, Aid Policies and Motives
38. | Review of Haydom Lutheran Hospital. External Review Contracted by the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dar es Salaam
39. | Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the Re-introduction of a Multiparty System in Uganda
40. | Rewarding Safe Motherhood. How can Performance-Based Funding Reduce Maternal and Newborn Mortality in Tanzania?
41. | The Question of Becoming: Islamic Reform-Movements in Contemporary Ethiopia
42. | Orçamento, Estado e Povo. Processo de Orçamento, Sociedade Civil e Transparência em Angola
43. | Security for Many or Surplus for the Few? Customary Tenure and Social Differentiation in Southern Malawi
44. | When Men do Women's Work: Structural Adjustment, Unemployment and Changing Gender Relations in the Informal Economy of Accra, Ghana
45. | Sociedade Civil em Angola: Incursões, Espaco Responsabilidade
46. | When Neighbours Become Killers: Ethnic Conflict and Communal Violence in Western Uganda
47. | Budget, State and People. Budget Process, Civil Society and Transparency in Angola
48. | Gendered Citizenship in Sudan: Competing Perceptions of Women's Civil Rights within the Family Laws among Northern and Southern Elites in Khartoum
49. | Discrimination in the Name of Religious Freedom: The Rights of Women and Non-Muslims after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan
50. | In Pursuit of Poverty Reduction: What have Parliaments got to do with it?
51. | Uganda's 2006 Presidental and Parliamentary Elections
52. | Mid-Term Review of the Angola Programme of Norwegian People's Aid
53. | The Institutional Context of the 2004 General Elections in Malawi
54. | Evaluation of the UNDP/UNOPS Peacebuilding and Community Development Project in Ituri, the Democratic Republic of Congo
55. | Experience and Institutional Capacity for Poverty and Income Distribution Analysis in Angola
56. | Economic Prospects for Ethiopia and Challenges for Poverty Reduction
57. | "Opitanha" Social Relations of Rural Poverty in Northern Mozambique
58. | China in Africa. Implications for Norwegian Foreign and Development Policies
59. | Civil Society in Angola: Inroads, Space and Accountability
60. | Review of Right to Play
61. | Benefit Streams from Mining in Tanzania: Case Studies from Geita and Mererani
62. | PRSP in Tanzania: Do Mkukuta and the CCm Election Manifesto Pull in the same Direction?
63. | Nordic Exeptionalism in Development Assistance? Aid Policies and the Major Donors: The Nordic Countries
64. | Regional Dimensions of Norwegian Country Programmes in East Africa
65. | Kenya Constitutional Documents: A Comparative Analysis
66. | Socio-Economic Effects of Gold Mining in Mali. A Study of the Sadiola and Morila Mining Operations
67. | Human Resources for Health in Tanzania: Challenges, Policy Options and Knowledge Gaps
68. | Courts under Construction in Angola: What can they do for the Poor?
69. | Local Revenue Mobilization in Urban Settings in Africa
70. | Of Oranges and Bananas: The 2005 Kenya Referendum on the Constitution
71. | Parliamentary-Executive Relations in Malawi 1994-2004
72. | Towards Multiparty System in Uganda: The Effect on Female Representation in Politics
73. | Kingship in Uganda. The Role of the Uganda Kingdom in Ugandan Politics
74. | Exploring the Research-Policy Linkage: The Case of Reforms in Financing Primary Education in Tanzania
75. | Bribes, taxes and regulations: Business constraints for micro enterprises in Tanzania
76. | Aid, growth and peace: A comparative analysis
77. | Review of the Norwegian Development Fund Portfolio in Ethiopia
78. | Fast-tracking East African Integration. Assessing the Feasibility of a Political Federation by 2010
79. | Norwegian Support to Bunda College of Agriculture - Phase II. An Evaluation
80. | Local Governance, Urban Poverty and Service Delivery in Namibia
81. | Micro and Small-scale Industry Development in Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique
82. | Poverty in Mozambique Discourse, Analysis and Monitoring. Suggestions for National Stakeholders and the Donor Community
83. | SADC's Restructuring and Emerging Policies Options for Norwegian Support
84. | Review of Norwegian support to Tanzania Culture Trust Fund
85. | The NORAD Programme in Arts and Cultural Education. A review of the first phase 2002-2004
86. | The accountability funtion of supreme audit institutions in Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania
87. | Evaluation of NPA's support to Mutuelle, a voluntary health insurance scheme in Rwanda
88. | Accountability on the Move. The Parliament of Angola
89. | Corruption in tax administration: Lessons from institutional reforms in Uganda
90. | Corporate social responsibility in the Angolan oil industry
91. | "Money has no Name": Informalisation, Unemployment and changing Gender Relations in Accara, Ghana
92. | Fissions and fusions, foes and friends: Party system re-structuring in Malawi in the 2004 general elections
93. | Maybe free but not fair: Electoral administration in Malawi 1994-2004
94. | Social Rights Litigation as Transformation: South African Perspectives
95. | The Accountability Function of Parliament in New Democracies: Tanzanian Perspectives
96. | How middle-men can undermine anti-corruption reforms
97. | Peacebuilding in post-war situations: Lessons for Sudan
98. | Aid to Judicial Reform: Norwegian and International Experiences
99. | Angola 2003/2004. Waiting for elections
100. | Poverty reduction strategy processes in Malawi and Zambia