Number of records: 228 |
| | Record 101 - 200 | | |
| Title |
101. | SADC in 2003: Restructuring and Progress in Regional Integration
102. | How to Assess the Political Role of the Zambian Courts?
103. | The Role of the Judiciary in the 2004 General Elections in Malawi
104. | Networks, distance and trust: Telecommunications and changing trading practices in Ghana
105. | Norway and the NGO Channel The Case of South Africa
106. | To pay or not to pay? Citizens' views on taxation in local authorities in Tanzania
107. | Local government finances and finacial management in Tanzania. Baseline data from six councils, 2000-2003
108. | Towards feasible social security systems in sub-Saharan Africa
109. | Rural-urban linkages in sub-Saharan Africa: Contemporary debates and implications for Kenyan urban workers in the 21st century
110. | Telecommunications - a means to economic growth in developing countries?
111. | Responsiveness to the concerns of the poor and accountability to the commitment to poverty reduction
112. | Lowering barriers to agricultural exports through technical assistance
113. | Norway and Security Sector Reform in Developing Countries
114. | Angola 2002/2003. Key Development Issues and Democratic Decentralisation
115. | Autonomy, Incentives and Patronage. A Study of Corruption in the Tanzania and Uganda Revenue Authorities
116. | When women grow wings: Gender relations in the informal economy of Kampala
117. | Taxation and tax reforms in developing countries: Illustrations from sub-Saharan Africa
118. | Political Islam in the Middle East
119. | From Aid to Partnership. A Joint Review of Norwegian - South African Development Cooperation 1995-2001
120. | Uncertainty as a Strategy: Electoral Processes in Zambia 1991-2001
121. | What has trust got to do with it? Non-payment of service charges in local authorities in South Africa
122. | Verdensbankens strukturtilpasningsprogrammer: Virkninger og politiske linjeskift
123. | The SAPRIN Report: An assessment of the empirical analysis supporting main conclusions
124. | Social Development and Foreign Direct Investments in Developing Countries
125. | Best Practice in Capacity Building in Public Finance Management in Africa. Experiences of NORAD and Sida
126. | Restructuring SADC - Progress and Problems
127. | Governance for sustainability? Balancing social and environmental concerns in Harare
128. | Socio-economic effects of HIV/AIDS in African countries
129. | Angola 2001/2002. Key Development Issues and Aid in a Context of Peace
130. | Multiparty elections in Africa's new democracies
131. | Funding political parties in emerging African democracies: What role for Norway?
132. | Reconciliation and Democratisation: Outlining the Research Field
133. | Ethnic Federalism in a Dominant Party State: The Ethiopian Experience 1991-2000
134. | Energy Cooperation in Southern Africa: What Role for Norway? Report from the Seminar on Regional Energy Co-operation, Luanda, 12-14 February 2002
135. | Fighting fiscal corruption: The case of the Tanzania Revenue Authority
136. | An analysis of Tanzania's 1998 imports. A sector of origin and end use analysis of Tanzania's goods imports, undertaken for the Macmod model
137. | Updating the Input Output based Macmod functions
138. | Supply chain management in the oil industry: The Angolan case
139. | Research on corruption in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda. What, who and where?
140. | Rainbow justice and peace building. South Africa 1994-2001
141. | Assessing the Restructuring of SADC - Positions, Policies and Progress
142. | From Global Village to Urban Globe. Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Implications for Norwegian Aid Policy
143. | Angola 2000/2001. Key Development Issues and the Role of NGOs
144. | Determinants of inflation in Tanzania
145. | Fiscal decentralisation in Tanzania: For better or for worse?
146. | Environmental, social and economic problems in the Borkena plain, Ethiopia
147. | Institutions, mobility and resilience in the Fante migratory fisheries of West Africa
148. | Does Parliament Matter in New Democracies? The Case of South Africa 1994-2000
149. | The Role of Government in Growth and Income Distribution: The Case of Botswana
150. | Civil Society in Tanzania
151. | Poverty and development in Tanzania: A discussion note
152. | Impacto do investimento petrolífero Norueguês nos países de acolhimento, com especial ênfase para Angola
153. | The institutionalisation of the Tanzanian opposition parties: How stable are they?
154. | Angola 1999/2000. Key Development Issues and National Research Capacity
155. | Prospects for Tanzania's Mining Sector
156. | Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa: The Continued Threat of Famine
157. | Environment, society and the state in southwestern Eritrea
158. | Mozambique - a sub-Saharan African NIC?
159. | Taxation, coercion and donors. Local government tax enforcement in Tanzania
160. | Taxation, aid and democracy. An agenda for research in African countries
161. | The Pluralist Paradox. The Decline of Economic Interest Groups in Zambia in the 1990s
162. | Monetary Variables in Macmod. A note concerning the introduction of monetary variables in the Tanzanian macro economic model: Macmod
163. | Liberalization of Trade in Producer Services - the Impact on Developing Countries
164. | Social Relations of Poverty: A Case-Study from Owambo, Namibia
165. | Local government taxation and tax administration in Tanzania
166. | Effekter i mottakerlandene av norske petroleumsinvesteringer med hovedvekt på Angola
167. | The impact of the financial and economic crisis in Asia on Norway's major development partners. Report submitted to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
168. | Access Regimes and Institutions: The Economic Organisation of the Migrant Popo Fishermen of Pointe-Noire, Congo
169. | Controlling fiscal corruption. Theoretical approaches and illustrations from Tanzania
170. | Humanitarian assistance during conflict in a state-less society: The case of Somalia
171. | The Co-operation between Institute og Development Management - IDM (Tanzania) and Agder College (Norway)
172. | Impact of management scenarios and fishing gear selectivity on the potential economic gains from Namibian hake
173. | Local entrepreneurs, networks and linkages to the global economy in Southeast Asia and Africa
174. | The institutional impact of aid dependence on recipients in Africa
175. | Korrupsjon
176. | Korrupsjon. En studie av skatteadministrasjonen i Tanzania
177. | Macmod, a macroeconomic model for the Tanzanian economy
178. | Boikott til hvilken pris? Barns situasjon i Irak og Burundi. Rapport for Redd Barna
179. | Research and Fisheries Management; the Uneasy Relationship Review of the Zambia-Zimbabwe SADC Fisheries Project
180. | Does Aid to Institution Development Work? Reflections on Personal Experiences
181. | Why people pay taxes. The case of the development levy in Tanzania
182. | Skatteunndragelse. En studie av kommunebeskatning i Tanzania
183. | Kriterier for fordeling av nødhjelpsmidler - en analyse av norske private organisasjoner
184. | Evaluation of the Social Development Fund in Zimbabwe: A Pilot Study
185. | Social Action and Microcredit Funds in Malawi: A Pilot Study
186. | NGOs in Conflict - an Evaluation of International Alert
187. | Water supply in the Central Namib Region: A socio-economic study
188. | Women and Islamisation - Carving a New Space in Muslim Societies
189. | Turning but not Toppling Malthus: Boserupian Theory on Population and the Environment Relationships
190. | Fish as vehicle for economic development in post-independence Namibia
191. | Underdevelopment and labour migration: the contract labour system in Namibia
192. | Can national identity be built on local democracy?
193. | Share-tenancy within the household unit
194. | Botswana - 30 years of economic growth, democracy and aid: Is there a connection?
195. | Whither Nordic/SADC Relations?
196. | Mobilising Resources for Regional Integration in Southern Africa: Towards a SADC Capacity-Building Fund
197. | Angola og norsk bistand
198. | Collective Identities and Social Movements
199. | Tax evasion and corruption in local governments in Tanzania: Alternative economic approaches
200. | Eneweyay (Let's Discuss). Report from a training programme for democracy in rural Ethiopia