Number of records: 2198 |
| | Record 101 - 200 | | |
| Title |
101. | Het beschermd zeegebied rond de Chagos archipel: arbitrage in het geschil tussen de Republiek Mauritius en het Verenigd Koninkrijk
102. | Reconfiguring a history of art and design curriculum in a South African university of technology: Becoming-with critical arts-based pedagogical encounters
103. | Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History.: Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America (1800-1914).
104. | The Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in the 19th century, the Gambia
105. | European travellers to Central-West Africa in the 19th century
106. | CMS policy regarding Islam and Muslims in Africa
107. | Travellers to Sierra Leone in the 18th and 19th centuries
108. | The role of the African value of Ubuntu in global AI inclusion discourse: A normative ethics perspective
109. | Post-, Pre- and Non-Payment: Conflicting Rationalities in the Digitalisation of Energy Access in Kibera, Nairobi
110. | Contextualising access to essential medicines: Lessons learned from East and Southern Africa
111. | Conceptualizing the After-Crisis through Ethnographies of Post-Crisis Situations in Africa
112. | Collective psychological ownership and territorial compensation in Australia and South Africa
113. | Corporate sovereignty: Negotiating permissive power for profit in Southern Africa
114. | Contact Versus Education: An Explorative Comparison Between the Contact and Education Strategy Considering Albinism Related Stigma in Tanzanian High Schools
115. | Reducing albinism related stigma in Tanzania: an exploration of the impact of radio drama and radio interview
116. | Impact of COVID-19 measures on the health and healthcare of children in East-Africa: Scoping review
117. | The violence of involuntary resettlement and emerging resistance in Mozambique's Limpopo National Park: The role of physical and social infrastructure
118. | Resources and Governance in Sierra Leone's Civil War
119. | Productive efficiency, structural change, and catch-up within Africa
120. | Tempering and enabling ambition: how equity is considered in domestic processes preparing NDCs
121. | Is citizen journalism dead? An examination of recent developments in the field
122. | The 'ready-to-hand' test: Diagnostic availability and usability in primary health care settings in Sierra Leone
123. | Community capacity for social enterprise development: Empirical evidence from community forest enterprises (CFEs) in Cameroon
124. | The South'South investment that never happened: Vale in Guinea
125. | Inclusive agri-business models, gender, and Kenyans' experiences in successful entrepreneurship
126. | The impact of anti-malarial markets on artemisinin resistance: perspectives from Burkina Faso
127. | [De kust van Algerije]
128. | [De kust van Algerije]
129. | [De kust van Algerije]
130. | [De kust van Algerije]
131. | The Continuum between Human Trafficking and Enslavement: Recent Italian Jurisprudence on Abuses Committed against (Female) Migrants in Libya
132. | Carte réduite de l'Océan-méridional, compris entre l'Afrique et l'Amérique méridionale depuis le 7° degré de latitude Nord jusqu'au 57° degré Sud, contenant partie des costes d'Afrique depuis le cap de Monte... jusqu'au cap de Bonne Espérance et celles de l'Amérique méridionale depuis Cayenne jusques- et compris la Terre de Feu, pour servir au vaisseaux français du Roy
133. | Nieuwe wassende graadige pas-kaart van de kust van Guinea en Brasilia strekkende van Cap Verde tot de Câp de Bon Esperance en verders van Rio de Berbice tot Rio de la Plata.
134. | [De Kust van Marokko].
135. | Côte orientale d'Espagne depuis le Cap de Palos jusqu'au Cap de Creux avec les Îles Maiorque, Minorque et Yvice et partie de la Côte d'Afrique
136. | CoÌ‚te meÌridionale d'Espagne depuis Cadiz jusqu'au Cap de Palos et coÌ‚te septentrionale d'Afrique depuis le Cap Spartel jusqu'au Cap de Tenez
137. | Wassende zeekaart van de kusten van Spanjen, van Kaap St. Vincent tot de punt van Europa en een klein gedeelte van Africa, gevolgd naar de kaart van den ridder D. Vicente Tofino de Sa. Miguel
138. | Affective Capital: Lagos and Nigerian Music Videos
139. | Understanding intra-urban inequality in networked water supply in Wa, Ghana.
140. | Carte reduite de l'Océan Occidental comprenant les côtes d'Europe et d'Afrique, depuis le 52 degré de latitude septentle. jusqu'à l'Equateur et les côtes d'Amérique opposées
141. | Carte réduite de l'Océan-Occidental comprenant les costes d'Europe et d'Afrique depuis le 51 degré de latitude nord jusqu'à l'équateur et les costes d'Amérique opposées
142. | Network-diversification and trust-building strategies of transnational migrant entrepreneurs: Evidence from African migrant entrepreneurs in South China
143. | Ethical concerns with replacing human relations with humanoid robots: an ubuntu perspective
144. | Labor Migration and Climate Change Adaptation
145. | Navigating plural legal constellations at the coal mining frontier in Mozambique
146. | Generating transformative capacity: ICLEI Africa's urban natural assets for Africa programme
147. | The Kenya Slum Electrification Program. Local politics of electricity networks in Kibera
148. | Carte de la partie meÌridionale de L'Afrique, pour servir d'intelligence aux deux voyages de Levaillant
149. | Urban Land Grabs: An Overview of the Issues
150. | Tempering and enabling ambition: how equity is considered in domestic processes preparing NDCs
151. | Toward Urban Resilience? Coping with Blackouts in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
152. | UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: key considerations for Africa
153. | 'I can do things that others can't': Civic policing as weaponized volunteering in eThekwini, South Africa
154. | The role of institutional logics during participation in urban processes and projects: Insights from a comparative analysis of upgrading fifteen informal settlements in Kenya
155. | Multi-stakeholder participation for successful implementation of applied research projects in Africa
156. | Local Advantage in a Global Context. Competition, Adaptation and Resilience in Textile Manufacturing in the 'Periphery', 1860-1960
157. | A 'Chinese' Street (Un)Scripted and (Re)Imagined: Material Shifts, City-Making and Altered Ways of Living in Suburban Johannesburg
158. | De Kaapkolonie: van VOC-verversingsstation naar exploitatie- en strafkolonie
159. | Human preparedness: Relational infrastructures and medical countermeasures in Sierra Leone
160. | Urban Migration in East and West Africa: Contrasts and Transformations
161. | WINDOWS ONTO THE MICRODYNAMICS OF INSURGENT AND COUNTERINSURGENT VIOLENCE: Evidence from Late Colonial Southeast Asia and Africa Compared
162. | Beyond Reintegration: War Veteranship in Mozambique and El Salvador
163. | Physical Geography of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands
164. | Social Mobility through Migration to the Colonies: The Case of Algeria
165. | Healthcare workers' perspectives on access to sexual and reproductive health services in the public, private and private not-for-profit sectors: insights from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
166. | Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour and Service Utilisation in Plateau State, Nigeria
167. | Modalities of Co-existence in Madina, Ghana
168. | From inclusive business to food systems: Enhancing smallholder food security in Africa
169. | Contrast, contact, convergence? Afrikaans and English modal auxiliaries in South African parliamentary discourse (1925'1985)
170. | Journalism and the Global South: Shaping Journalistic Practices and Identity Post 'Arab Spring': Special Issue: Remembering the Arab Spring: Pursuing Possibilities and Impediments in Journalistic Professional Practice across the Global South
171. | The anticipatory governance of sustainable futures
172. | Educational Gender Inequality in Sub-Saharan African: A Long-Term Perspective
173. | Pragmatic Living in Motion: Two Chinese 'Migrants' and their Meanderings in the 'City of Gold'
174. | From Temporary Urbanites to Permanent City Dwellers? Rural-Urban Labor Migration in Colonial Southern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo
175. | Christianization without Economic Development: Evidence from Ghana
176. | Reading Mozambique's mega-project developmentalism through the workplace: evidence from Chinese and Brazilian investments
177. | The microeconomics of adaptation: Evidence from smallholders in Ethiopia and Niger
178. | Risk sharing and the demand for insurance: Theory and experimental evidence from Ethiopia
179. | 'Das eigentliche Problem vom Menschen': Debt, (Ac)countability, and the Financialization of Wildlife Conservation
180. | Enabling equitable energy access for Mozambique? Heterogeneous energy infrastructures in Maputo's growing urban periphery
181. | Abdelwahab Elmessiri's Theoretical Abrogation and Appropriation of Western and Zionist Terminology
182. | Learning from Africana critical theory: A historicized contextualization of the impacts of Mozambique's natural gas project
183. | Beyond variegation: The territorialisation of states, communities and developers in large-scale developments in Johannesburg, Shanghai and London
184. | Africa's South-South relations: Mining and railway lines in Mozambique
185. | A comparative human rights analysis of laws and policies for adolescent contraception in Uganda and Kenya
186. | Local characterization of the COVID-19 response: the case of a lockdown in Lusaka, Zambia
187. | Decolonising Political Communication in Africa: Reframing Ontologies
188. | 'It's all about being a woman': Intersections of multiple (dis)advantages experienced by older women in Tanzania
189. | Projecting armed conflict risk in Africa towards 2050 along the SSP-RCP scenarios: a machine learning approach
190. | China's investments in renewable energy in Africa: Creating co-benefits or just cashing-in?
191. | Using Evidence and Data to Design an Intervention in the Project Community Model for Fostering Health and Wellbeing Among Adolescent Mothers and Their Children
192. | Ethical, Regulatory and Market related aspects of Deploying Triple Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies for Malaria treatment in Africa: A study protocol.
193. | Trends in access to anti-malarial treatment in the formal private sector in Uganda: an assessment of availability and affordability of first-line anti-malarials and diagnostics between 2007 and 2018
194. | Decomposition of changes in socioeconomic inequalities in catastrophic health expenditure in Kenya
195. | Governance Challenges at the Interface of Food Security and Biodiversity Conservation: A Multi-Level Case Study from Ethiopia
196. | Generosity and livelihoods: Dictator game evidence on the multidimensional nature of sharing among the Kenyan Maasai
197. | Dictadura salazarista, descolonización y solidaridad holandesa. El caso del Angola Comité y el CIDAC
198. | Who is the African Farmer? The Importance of Actor Representations in the Debate About Biotechnology Crops in Africa
199. | Self-builder landlordism: exploring the supply and production of private rental housing in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza
200. | Going global ' going digital. Diaspora networks and female online entrepreneurship in Khartoum, Sudan