Number of records: 2198 |
| | Record 2101 - 2198 | | |
| Title |
2101. | De vrijheid gaat zelden in stropdas gekleed
2102. | Biomass and bioenergy supply from Mozambique
2103. | Who is written? The Representation of the Other in Rewriting Experiments during the Portuguese Colonial War and the Mozambican Liberation Struggle
2104. | Epidemiological Studies on Bovine Mastitis in Smallholder Dairy Herds in the Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania
2105. | Darfur: de onvolmaakte ramp?
2106. | Malaria, anaemia and antimalarial drug resistance in African children
2107. | De humanitaire interventie van de Verenigde Naties in Somalie, 1992-1995
2108. | Various chapters from: Machete season: the killers in Rwanda speak: a report
2109. | a 'verdadeira notícia' Descrição e ficção, prefigurações do discurso colonial na representação do negro em Tratado breve dos rios de Guiné do Cabo-Verde de André Álvares d'Almada & Beschryvinghe ende historische verhael van het Gout Koninckrijck van Gunea de Pieter de Marees
2110. | Voedsel of medicijn? Intertekstualiteitsonderzoek naar de aidspolitiek van de Zuid-Afrikaanse president Mbeki en de weergave daarvan in de Zuid-Afrikaanse en Nederlandse pers
2111. | Anthropometry of fetal growth in rural Malawi in relation to maternal malaria and HIV status.
2112. | Large temperature variability in the southern African tropics since the Last Glacial Maximum
2113. | Changes in woody plant composition of three vegetation types exposed to a similar fire regime for over 46 years
2114. | Madagascar. Sociologische schets van een verkenningsreis. De Gids 2005
2115. | Franco en Afrika; Een onderzoek naar de invloed van 'Afrikanistische' opvattingen in de uitingen van Franco vanaf de opstand van de Movimiento Nacional in 1936 tot aan de onafhankelijkheidsverklaring van Spaans-Marokko in 1956
2116. | Honderd jaar bevrijding van de vrouw. Debatten onder Egyptische moslimgeleerden
2117. | Sudden Death? Conflict De-escalation as Government Strategy in Nigeria's Niger Delta Region
2118. | Realiteit in Rwanda. De berichtgeving in de Nederlandse dagbladen over de genocide in Rwanda
2119. | Promoting anti-corruption reforms. Evaluating the implementation of a World Bank anti-corruption program in seven African countries (1999-2001)
2120. | L'enseignement bilingue au Burkina Faso L'interaction entre l'enseignant et ses élèves dans la salle de classe de l'enseignement de base
2121. | The Slippery Paths of Commemoration and Heritage Tourism. The Netherlands, Ghana, and the Rediscovery of Atlantic Slavery
2122. | Saint Helena: Citizenship and spatial identities on a remote island
2123. | Supranationale rechtshandhaving
2124. | In England and South Africa (1927) - II
2125. | In England and South Africa (1927) - I
2126. | Subject Agreement, Object Agreement and Specificity in Swahili
2127. | The Japan-Apples dispute: Implications for African Agricultural Trade
2128. | Afrika heeft geen baat bij ontwikkelingshulp
2129. | MY HOUSE IS MY CASTLE The South African Housing Policy 1994-2004: an evaluation
2130. | The Spatial Imagination of Oromia: The Ethiopian State and Oromo Transnational Politics
2131. | Information Provision: the Challenge of developing Countries
2132. | Managing Informal Settlements: A Study Using Geo-Information in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
2133. | Zambia's economy: 1964-2004
2134. | The human rights mission in an African context
2135. | Unfinished Pledge: The Ethiopian literacy campaign: A comparative study for the period 1979-1990
2136. | De bibliotheekhemel maar ook de hel
2137. | Recognition, Resources, Responsibilities: Using Students' Stories of Family to Renew the South African Social Work Curriculum
2138. | On having Voice and Being Heard: Some after-Effects of Testifying Before the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
2139. | Family planning as part of reproductive health, including the HIV / AIDS aspects, in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa
2140. | The global social problem: challenges for a Research School like CERES
2141. | Micro-universes and Situated Critical Theory: Postcolonial and Feminist Dialogues in a Comparative Study of Indo-English and Lusophone Women Writers
2142. | What happens to youth during and after wars?
2143. | Het verhaal van Pater Piet Butzelaar (1908-1970)
2144. | Fact and fetish in creolization studies: Herskovits and the problem of induction, or, Guinea Coast, 1593
2145. | Relationship between vegetation growth rates at the onset of the wet season and soil type in the Sahel of Burkina Faso: implications for resource utilisation at large scales
2146. | Een venster van en naar Egypte
2147. | Downveiling: Gender and the Contest over Culture in Cairo
2148. | Downveiling: Gender and the Contest over Culture in Cairo
2149. | Justice and Legitimacy in the South African Transition
2150. | The U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994: Evidence of Inaction
2151. | Patchwork history: tracing artworlds in the African diaspora
2152. | Kennis binnen vinger(afdruk)bereik
2153. | Pastoralist health care in Kenya
2154. | Good governance in an African perspective: an essay on actors and actions
2155. | Internationale Humanitaire Interventie: wat te doen in het geval van ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen
2156. | The trauma of war in Sierra Leone
2157. | The Protection of Human Rights in Federal Systems - The Case of Ethiopia
2158. | Multiscale soil and vegetation patchiness along a gradient of herbivore impact in a semi-arid grazing system in West Africa
2159. | A nineteenth-century Ottoman Kurdish scholar in South Africa: Abu Bakr Efendi
2160. | Les Races Guerrieres: Racial preconceptions in the French military about West African Soldiers during the First World War
2161. | Elections and civil strife: some implications for international election observation
2162. | Collective violence within states in a political economy perspective
2163. | Goud, ivoor en slaven. Scheepvaart en handel van de Tweede Westindische Compagnie op Afrika, 1674-1740
2164. | Doomed to passivity? An exploration of origins of intra-state violence and possibilities for constructive intervention.
2165. | Conceptualising democracy in an African context
2166. | A false start: law and development in the context of a colonial legacy
2167. | Aspects of multilingualism in the Maghreb
2168. | Aspects of multilingualism in the Maghreb
2169. | Aspects of multilingualism in the Maghreb
2170. | Afrika van Kaap tot Caïro
2171. | The flying Africans: extent and strength of the myth in the Americas
2172. | Book Reviews
2173. | How the 'older heads' talk: a Jamaican Maroon spirit possession language and its relationship to the creoles of Suriname and Sierra Leone
2174. | Deep-reaching fracture zones in the crystalline basement surrounding the West Congo System and their control of mineralization in Angola and Gabon
2175. | Two strange careers: Segregation in South Africa and the South
2176. | Two strange careers: Segregation in South Africa and the South
2177. | Two strange careers: Segregation in South Africa and the South
2178. | Sex Differences and Folk Illness in an Egyptian Village
2179. | Sex Differences and Folk Illness in an Egyptian Village
2180. | Madagascar seen from Roti, a comment
2181. | The Cartoon in Egypt
2182. | The Cartoon in Egypt
2183. | The Cartoon in Egypt
2184. | Sink or Swim: Evolving a Broader Definition of Courts through the Multi-Door Approach to Dispute Resolution and the Implications it has for Traditional Court Systems
2185. | The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea
2186. | Indonesian colonization of West- and central Africa?
2187. | De expedities van Kolonel-Ingenieur W. Starrenburg ter kuste van Guinea 1816-1817
2188. | Mr. Herman Willem Daendels als Gouverneur-Generaal ter Kuste van Guinea
2189. | De expeditie van Jol naar Angola en S
2190. | De nederlanders in Guinee en in Brazilie
2191. | Banden tusschen Zuid-Afrika en Suriname in vroeger eeuwen
2192. | Een Afrikaans bijgeloof: Snetji Koti
2193. | Geschiedenis van de Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk in Zuid-Afrika sedert de Groote Trek tot aan de eerste annexatie van Transvaal
2194. | Taal en poësie van die tweede Afrikaanse taalbeweging
2195. | Historisch juridische proeve over de onlangs ontworpen regterlijke inrigting in Egypte
2196. | De overzeesche bezittingen der Republiek op 't einde der 17e. eeuw: no. 5 van den Historischen atlas
2197. | Advijs gesonden aen die vande West-Indische Compagnie, ende verders aende Hoogh-Mog. Heeren Staten Generael, waer mede ontdeckt wert eenen secreten aenslagh die 8 Fransche fregatten souden voor hebben op de Gout-Kust ende het casteel Del Mina in Guinea, ende wat daer tegens ghedaen is
2198. | Navigatione dell'Europa con parte dell'Africa et dell'Asia che con essa confinano