Number of records: 1047 |
| | Record 101 - 200 | | |
| Title |
101. | Pengestøtte - mer enn sosial sikkerhet? : En studie av pengetsøttes økonomiske potensial.
102. | En studie av sivile aktørers deltakelse i massakrer under folkemordet i Rwanda.
103. | Challenges of contingent work : Unions and labour brokers in South Africa
104. | Foreign Land Acquisitions in Tanzania : Global Ideology, Local Perspectives
105. | Perspectives on Life and Health : A qualitative study among same-sex attracted men in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
106. | Cost utility analysis of HIV/AIDS treatment : a case study of antiretroviral treatment and herbal treatment in Ghana
107. | ABC-kampanjen i Uganda; hvorfor er den ikke overførbar til andre land?
108. | Eradicating female genital cutting: Understanding reality conceptions : A study on perceptions of female genital cutting in Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somalia)
109. | Eradicating female genital cutting: Understanding reality conceptions : A study on perceptions of female genital cutting in Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somalia)
110. | Der veiene møtes : utviklingen av en kunstverden ved et teater i Ouagadougou
111. | "Mimi ni Mwana Mabadiliko!" : bistand og aktivisme i en lokal NGO i Mwanza, Tanzania
112. | The good life : an anthropological study of the making of middle class life in Nairobi
113. | Fra hvit til afrikansk? : om hvithet og identitet blant engelskspråklige hvite sørafrikanere
114. | REDD in Zanzibar : an Ethnography of Stakeholders
115. | "Hundenes språk" : kunnskapsproduksjon og kunnskapshåndtering blandt perefolket i Kamerun
116. | Nyarugusu Refugee Camp : en analyse av motstridende interesser og maktasymmetri
117. | To fly a plane while building it : NGO's role in the development of REDD+ in Tanzania
118. | Fra hvit til afrikansk? : om hvithet og identitet blant engelskspråklige hvite sørafrikanere
119. | Perceptions and behaviour related to family planning in a rural area in the Oromia region, Ethiopia
120. | ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS IN FANTE FUNERAL PRACTICES : A critical discussion of the funeral practices of the Fantes in Ghana
121. | What can explain American attitudes to genocide? And how have these attitudes influenced responses? : A comparative case study of Bosnia and Darfur
122. | Konflikthåndtering i Afrika: for afrikanere, av afrikanere : ECOWAS i vestafrikansk konflikthåndtering
123. | Fear of Crime in Spaces of Poverty and Disorder : Youth's coping strategies in poor urban neighbourhoods in Nairobi
124. | Quality of teaching and learning in resource quandary : The case of the University of Zimbabwe
125. | Cost sharing and academic performance : A Case of Mzumbe University: Morogoro main Campus, Tanzania
126. | The Contribution of Higher Education to Socio-economic Development of the Local Community : A Case Study of Makerere University, Kampala.
127. | Middle-Class Perceptions of Poverty in Cairo
128. | Norsk fagbevegelses solidaritetsarbeid i Zimbabwe, 1976-98
129. | Image de la femme au Burundi à travers les contes et les épithalames
130. | Restraining Radicalisation : The Muslim Brotherhood as a Force of Moderation within the Islamist Student Movement in Egypt
132. | Défis et développement de l'école malienne: le cas de la région de Mopti
133. | Konflikthåndtering i Afrika: for afrikanere, av afrikanere : ECOWAS i vestafrikansk konflikthåndtering
134. | Français et langues africaines en milieu rural et en milieu urbain : Usage et attitudes dans la région de Saint-Louis du Sénégal
135. | The Interactions of Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Export promotion in Ethiopia
136. | Hvorfor blir revolusjoner voldelige? : ANCs bruk av vold - instrument eller konsekvens?
137. | The implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 on Libya
138. | African Community Knowledge in Global Mainstream Education : A comparative study of urban and rural Zambia
139. | Large-scale Land Acquisition in Ethiopia : A survey of issues, challenges and how to overcome them
140. | Tracking progress two-thirds on the way to 2015 : Will the Millennium Development Goal for Child Survival be met in South Africa?
141. | Bridging the post-conflict gap: Capacity development in countries affected by fragility : - a case study of the Accelerated Learning Programme in Liberia
142. | Gender Division of Labour in Food Production and Decision Making Power and Impact on Household Food Security and Child Nutrition in Rural Rukwa, Tanzania.
144. | The discovery of oil in Ghana : Meeting the expectations of local people
145. | Défis et développement de l'école malienne: le cas de la région de Mopti
147. | The Right to Primary Education in Africa - A Human Right or an Unfulfilled Promise During Situations of Emergency? : An analysis of state obligations during situations of poverty, natural disaster and conflict
148. | Somalia; A Gender approach to Protection and Direct Participation in Hostilities
149. | Fristil rap som aandelig terapi
150. | Trees for Livelihoods : Insights into Practice and Adoption of Agroforestry in Tiby, Mali
151. | Kvinner, idrett og utvikling : En undersøkelse av idrett som virkemiddel for å skape utvikling blant vanskeligstilte kvinner i Zambia.
152. | Gambling with labor : labor relations in the South African casino resort industry
153. | To nordmenn - og "de der nede" : en studie av tre norske aviser dekning av Kongo-saken høsten 2009
154. | The Privilige to Cooperate : Assessing the Impact of Collaborative Resource Management Agreements on Local Communities' Livelihoods around Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda
155. | Teaching of Reading and Writing to Deaf Learners in Primary Schools in Uganda
156. | Urban governance transformations and the first two years of the N2 Gateway project in Cape Town
157. | Barriers facing disables in getting jobs in Ghana : quality of life situation
158. | Planer og prosjektering : en analyse av norsk-tanzaniansk samarbeid om Stiegler's Gorge prosjektet, 1970-1981
159. | Et kort møte i Dar es Salaam : - Tanzanias president Julius Nyerere bryter forhandlingene med IMF i 1979
160. | Pådrivere : bakgrunnen for Norges engasjement i Sudan
161. | Literacy medium for learners with visual impairments : Primary literacy medium used by secondary school learners with low vision in Kenya
162. | Jakten på en vazaha : praksis, motivasjon og håp blant kvinner involvert i den seksuelle økonomien i Diego Suarez, Madagaskar
163. | Sources Of Economic Growth in Ethiopia: A Time Series Empirical Analysis, 1981-2009
164. | Four Dimensions of Sovereignty in the Making : The Government of Southern Sudan's venture towards the formation of a new state
165. | Portrait of a resented race : investigating how the Ugandan media covered the bitter sentiments against Asians expressed in Aåril 2007 and what these sentiments say about the future of Asians in Uganda
166. | Mobile phones for health education : a case study of text to Change's HIV and AIDS SMS quiz project in Mbarara District, Western Uganda
167. | The nutritional status among children below 5 years of age related to children's diet and mothers' workload in agriculture : A study among farmers in rural Rukwa, Tanzania
168. | Impact of anti-retroviral therapy on the sexual behavior of people living with HIV/AIDS in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a qualitative study
169. | Assessing the costs borne by households for emergency obstetric care in rural Gambia
170. | Dignity in maternal health service delivery : Cross sectional survey on factors that promote or compromise dignity in maternal health service delivery: Perspectives of Women and Midwives from Southern Malawi.
171. | Explanatory models of mental distress and influencing factors in a multi-cultural setting, Khartoum, Sudan
172. | Childhood disability in rural zambia : a qualitative study on the use of health care services
173. | Attitudes towards Gender Equality in South Africa : Changes and variations in the period 1990-2007.
174. | In Quest of National Security? : -the establishment of United States Africa Command
175. | Donors, Civil Society and Democratisation in Rwanda : A Critical Analysis
176. | The persistent and urgent need for blood in Africa : The distribution of blood transfusions at a district hospital in Malawi
177. | A follow-up study of HIV-infected adults in rural Tanzania after antiretroviral treatment failure
178. | Statoil i Angola og Aserbajdsjan : Et behov for en utvidet samfunnsansvarsagenda?
179. | Recent Developments in the EU Migration Management Policy : EU-Cape Verde mobility partnership, Frontex, and the management of the European borders
180. | JESUS AND THE POOR: Reading Stories of Poverty in the Context of Poverty Among Widows in Upper Eastern Ghana
181. | Recent Developments in the EU Migration Management Policy : EU-Cape Verde mobility partnership, Frontex, and the management of the European borders
182. | Risky Business in Sub-Saharan Africa? : A Political Risk Management Analysis of SN Power AfriCA in Zambia, South Africa and Mozambique
183. | The Implementation of the District Health Information System in Mtwara and Lindi Regions in Tanzania : A Case Study of Process and Results
184. | Knowledge of sexually transmitted infections among women attending primary health care clinics in Moshi, Tanzania.
185. | Mauritius : Selskapsrett, skatterett og skatteavtaler i et skatteparadis
186. | Challenges and Opportunities of Integrating Primary Health Care Information System: Northern State, Sudan
187. | A comparative multilevel investigation of the socioeconomic determinants of knowledge about HIV/AIDS in Africa
188. | Should Tanzania Ratify? : An Analysis of Individual Communication Procedure under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
189. | "Lemen Girzat?" (Why circumcisie?) : negotiation and change of female circumsision and gender in Harar, Ethiopia.
190. | Statsmakt og motmakt : En fornyet analyse av nyliberal selskapisering innen vanntjenester - med Johannesburg som casestudie
191. | HSAs and the wisdom to handle knowledge : a study of health surveillance assistants' work in rural Malawi 2010
192. | Mødrehelsetjenester i North Tongu distriktet i Volta regionen i Ghana
193. | Generic praziquantel in South Africa: the necessity for policy change to provide cheap, safe and efficacious schistosomiasis drugs for the poor, rural population : Policy change for praziquantel
194. | Forkledde Arbeidsrelasjoner : - en studie av tre arbeiderstyrte bedrifter i den sørafrikanske tekstilindustrien
195. | The Challenges of Renewable Energy Resource Development: The Case of Gilgel Gibe III Hydropower Project in Ethiopia
196. | The continuity of neo-colonial practices in a new context : French use of military means to promote national interests in Chad from 2006 until today
197. | Journalism Education Against all Odds : An Evaluative Study of the Undergraduate Mass Communication Programme at Makerere University
198. | Old Sins Cast Long Shadows : Failed democratisation in Eritrea
199. | Barriers to the Development and Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies in Kenya : The role of social capital in overcoming these barriers
200. | Interstate Management of Transnational Conflict : A study of the African Union's security politics in the Great Lakes region