Number of records: 885 |
| | Record 201 - 300 | | |
| Title |
201. | The sustainability of the Bontle ke Botho environmental projects and programmes in Gauteng Province.
202. | Practising pre-modern, modern and post-modern biblical science under one South African roof
203. | On being South African: identity, religion and culture
204. | A comparison between whole effluent toxicity testing (wet) and active biomonitoring (abm) as indicators of in stream aquatic health
205. | A fish ecological study of rivers and floodplains in the Eastern Caprivi, Namibia
206. | Evaluation of the role of SASS4, as an aquatic biomonitoring method, in the ecological risk assessment process and in the determination of resource directed measures for the Luvuvhu River
207. | The taxonomy and phylogeny of three Gnathiid Isopod species parasitising Elasmobranchs from the great barrier reef, Australia
208. | Heat shock protein 70 and cortisol as biomarkers for cadmium, chromium and nickel contamination in Oreochromis mossambicus
209. | An assessment protocol for water quality integrity and management of the Nyl River wetland system
210. | Aspects of the general biology and bioaccumulation of metals in the freshwater crab, Potamonautes warreni
211. | Determining the ecological status and possible anthropogenic impacts on the grass owl (Tyto capensis) population in the East Rand Highveld, Gauteng.
212. | The continuous professional development of educators with regard to the implemmentation of OBE in the Limpopo Province.
213. | A case study on bullying in a secondary school in Atteridgeville.
214. | The role of the school governing body in financial administration at Sokisi secondary school: a case study.
215. | The role of language in science education: a case study at Rand Afrikaans University, Soweto campus.
216. | The effectiveness of training educators on implementing the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) in the intersen phases (grades 4-7) in Wattville primary schools.
217. | Factors preventing parents from seeking learning support for their children in the foundation phase.
218. | Perceptions of adolescents on morality in Polokwane: a psycho-educational approach.
219. | An evaluation of the Gauteng Department of Education for evaluating Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM).
220. | The support needs of foundation phase teachers in managing behavioural difficulties.
221. | Southeast Asian ovalocytosis in the Cape coloured population
222. | A study to determine the incidence of scoliosis in school children within the metropolis of Johannesburg, South Africa
223. | The role of assessor training in promoting reflective practice in assessment
224. | Skillful conversation as a strategic tool for school success.
225. | The effect of the homoeopathic similimum on side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients
226. | The efficacy of homoeopathic growth factors (IG-1, PDGF, TGF and GM-CSF) in the treatment of HIV
227. | A medical perspective of chiropractic, based on a survey conducted amongst medical professionals in the western region of Johannesburg and how they view chiropractic compared to physiotherapy in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions
228. | Analysis of patient profiles at the Technikon Witwatersrand Homoeopathic Health Clinic in 2003
229. | A descriptive study to determine the use of light and colour as a healing modality
230. | Implementing employment equity strategies through managing diversity
231. | Determining the ecological status and possible anthropogenic impacts on the grass owl (Tyto capensis) population in the East Rand Highveld, Gauteng.
232. | An investigation of clinical methods, treatment procedures and treatment outcomes of homoeopathic practitioners in South Africa
233. | A homoeopathic perspective on HIV positive black females living in Gauteng
234. | Theraupeutic horse riding as a learning support strategy for the development of 'core skills' in a paraplegic preschool child.
235. | Opvoedkundig-sielkundige kriteria vir die evaluering van rehabilitasieprogramme vir dwelmafhanklike adolessente in Suid-Afrika.
236. | Re-tooling and re-skilling of educators in multigrade schools: promoting quality education in farm schools.
237. | Re-authoring breast cancer: children's narratives of their mother's illness: an educational psychology perspective.
238. | Attitudes of special school teachers towards inclusion.
239. | Guidelines for educators towards curbing high risk behaviour leading to HIV/AIDS in secondary schools.
240. | The lived experiences of adolescent learners from child-headed families in the Northern Free State.
241. | Lecturers' changing epistemologies and pedagogies during engagement with information and communication technology in an education faculty.
242. | Effects of radiation exposure on dormant mycobacteria in vitro
243. | Questionnaire survey to determine the perceived effect of immune boosters on HIV/AIDS patients in South Africa
244. | Challenges associated with the selection and recruitment of women as school managers in Ekurhuleni East high school.
245. | Virtual dissections in the teaching of practical biology in South African high schools.
246. | School fees at public schools in Gauteng: implications for the provision of education.
247. | Teaching in multilingual classrooms.
248. | The basics of corporate brand management in South Africa
249. | The effects of global warming on maize production: a case study based on climatic data for Vereeniging, Gauteng, South Africa
250. | Coloured women leaving abusive spousal relationships: a phenomenological study
251. | A community education intervention for promoting and sustaining entrepreneurial behaviour in a women's group.
252. | Educator's life skills development: a workshop intervention.
253. | The establishment of effective partnerships between school principals and union representatives.
254. | Stakeholders' experiences and perceptions of air pollution in a school environment.
255. | The work ethic of the principal as an aspect of management.
256. | The design and development of a computer-based tutorial for facilitating constructivist learning among nursing science (neonatology) students.
257. | The development of an anti-bullying intervention process at a primary school in Gauteng
258. | Women's experiences as learners in an adult basic education and training programme.
259. | Unique outcomes in the life stories of black adolescent girls who were sexually abused.
260. | Biotic responses to alterations in habitat-flow as a result of water abstraction and release in the lower Elands (Mpumalanga) and Mvoti (Kwazulu-Natal) Rivers, South Africa
261. | Online community portals for enhanced alumni networking
262. | A psycho-educational programme for team coaches to facilitate the mental health of managers
263. | The effect of cervical spine adjustments on low back pain in the workforce of the corporate environment
264. | The reduction of information overload in hypermedia environments
265. | Homoeopathy and the HIV/AIDS epidemic in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
266. | Low back pain in the corporate workplace, a South Africa review
267. | Die reg tot self beskikking om die moderne internasionale reg met spesifieke klem om die reg tot sesessie
268. | Bioaccumulation of metals in labeo congoro from the olifants river (Mpumalanga) and the effect of nickel on the haematology of fish
269. | A socio-economic history of the public passenger tramways of Kimberley: 1880-2000
270. | The use of karate in supporting the educational and psychological needs of school-going girls
271. | An evaluation of brain gym as a technique to promote whole brain learning: a personal and professional perspective
272. | Evaluating the use of project managemnt techniques in infrastructure delivery by South African small and medium sized contractors
273. | The development of Islamic [r]esurgent movements in Egypt
274. | The perceptions of a group of adult learners of further education, training and career development
275. | Indigenous Zulu games as an educational tool for the multicultural schools in South Africa
276. | The promotion of community participation in local economic development (LED) projects to alleviate poverty in the Thulamela Municipality
277. | Psychosocial factors that influence female sport participation in secondary schools
278. | 'n Evaluering van uitnemendheid binne welsynsorgorganisasies in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks
279. | Learners' reflections on their experiences with regard to multicultural education in a primary school
280. | An evaluation of the engagement decision as exercised by medium audit practice
281. | The feasibility of Northern Sotho as a language of commerce and industry in the Limpopo and Gauteng provinces
282. | Conservation of indigenous knowledge
283. | Primary causal factors of suicide in Tembisa
284. | Information security risk management in the South African small, medium and micro enterprise environment
285. | Die diskrepansie tussen taalbeleid en - praktyk: implikasies van taalhoudings van SAPD-konstabels in Gauteng
286. | The legal risks associated with trading in derivatives in a Merchant Bank
287. | An evolutionary systems approach to construction engineering in Mozambique
288. | Gemeentemobilisasie deur die ontdekking, ontwikkeling en toerusting van die lidmaat vir dienswerk
289. | The perceptions of professional women regarding the roles of females in the corporate communication environment
290. | The validity of world class business criteria across developed and developing countries
291. | A sociological study of the attitudes of women managers towards whistleblowing
292. | An examination of anti-money laundering iniatives undertaken by six major banks in South Africa
293. | The motivation of personnel in analytical laboratories
294. | A reassessment of the 1958 Sekhukhuneland Peasant Revolt: evaluation of internal division as a cause of the uprising
295. | School choice and christian education
296. | The impact of Katse Dam water on water quality in the Ash, Liebenbergsvlei and Wilge Rivers and the Vaal Dam
297. | The East Roman Christian Empire and the Kingdom of Axum: political, economic and military relations and influences, ca. 324-565 A.D.
298. | Adapting the structure of intellect programme for use in urban South African schools.
299. | The leadership of a functional school in a disfunctional school area.
300. | The tragedy of the premature consensus on HIV/AIDS and the impact to the South African economy