Number of records: 2521 |
| | Record 2201 - 2300 | | |
| Title |
2201. | Commoditization of Culture - Destroying Authenticity or Revitalizing Tradition?
2202. | The drama of Ahmed Yerima: studies in Nigerian theatre
2203. | Afya Jumuishi: towards Interprofessional collaboration between traditional and modern medical practitioners in the Mara Region of Tanzania
2204. | Politics and democracy in microstates: a comparative analysis of the effects of size on contestation and inclusiveness
2205. | A grammar of Konso
2206. | Reversed fortunes in the south: a comparison of the role of FDI in industrial development in Kenya and Malaysia
2207. | The diverging South: comparing the cashew sectors of Tanzania and Vietnam
2208. | Analysis of multiparty mediation processes
2209. | (De)connexions identitaires post-conflit: les Hadjeray du Tchad face à la mobilité et aux technologies de la communication
2210. | 'We are ready to die for it': Koptisch christendom in Egypte en in de diaspora
2211. | 'I don't even know if I have a culture' - Experiences of acculturation and sense of belonging among migrant children in South Africa
2212. | Raptors in changing West African savannas: the impact of anthropogenic land transformation on populations of Palearctic and Afrotropical raptors in northern Cameroon
2213. | Common Cultural Heritage: The colonial heritage policy
2214. | Inaccessible or merely flexible?: BDMS students explore opportunities for academic publishing in Tanzania
2215. | "Copy Debts"? Towards a Cultural Model for Researchers' Accountability in an Age of Web Democracy
2216. | Having a road': Social and spatial mobility of persons of slave and mixed descent in post-independence Central Mali
2217. | Causes, rationales and dynamics: exploring the strategic security partnership between the European Union and Africa
2218. | "I don't tell my husband about vegetable sales": Gender aspects of urban agriculture in Eldoret, Kenya
2219. | Skin diseases among schoolchildren in Africa
2220. | A lion population under threat: understanding lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus, 1758) ecology and human-lion interactions related to livestock predation in Waza National Park, Cameroon
2221. | Visa Versa? Vrijwilligerstoerisme in Kenia: Ontwikkelingswerk of toerisme?
2222. | Legitimiteit of Succesvolle Democratische Transitie
2223. | Democatie in Botswana? Het 'wonder' van Afrika nader bestudeerd
2224. | Dress and identity in Yorubaland, 1880-1980
2225. | Tunesië, aanvoerder van de Romeinse economie
2226. | The new pastoralism: absentee owners, new technologies, economic change and natural resource management in the Sahelian region of far north Cameroon
2227. | The WIC-Appolonia war of 1761-1764: A detailed inquiry about how the Dutch lost the war.
2228. | Libya: The EU's failure to act in concert. Analyzing the interests of France, the UK, Germany and Italy
2229. | 'Des expectations de l'éducation', De keuze voor onderwijs en culturele stijlen in Bamako, Mali
2230. | Trust in Mitumba: Trade relationships in the Kenyan second-hand clothing market
2231. | De Nederlandse marine in West-Afrika, 1769-1771
2232. | Rivalis, Using Water Wars theory and Resource Curse theory to discover if water scarcity played a role in causing the Darfur conflict and the environmental conflicts in China
2233. | Governments and a war past: the politics of reconciliation
2234. | Where the needle goes, goes the thread: een onderzoek naar de perceptie en beleving van zwangerschap in Newton, Sierra Leone
2235. | Armoede; een obstakel voor democratie?
2236. | The Libyan Intervention, Triumph and Downfall of the Responsibility to Protect in One
2237. | The Great Lakes Region's genocides: Rwanda and Burundi
2238. | Ma Thesis The Egyptian revolution, Al-Jazeera, Twitter and Facebook
2239. | Bovenaan de Piramide: Politiek Gedrag van het Autoritaire Regime in Egypte
2240. | De Invloed van Instituties op Democratische Kwaliteit; Een vergelijkend onderzoek in vijf staten in Zuidelijk Afrika
2241. | Opposition movement in Syria
2242. | Instorting van Autoritaire Regimes in Benin en Togo
2243. | The Path to Moderation: The Case of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
2244. | Building Cooperation with BRICS
2245. | Categorical Divides and the Berber Identity Movement: A Discursive Approach to Identity Formation in Algeria and France
2246. | The Ethiopian Quest for Democracy in a Dominant Party State: A Case Study on Democratization in Ethiopia Since the Implementation of Ethnic Federalism in 1995
2247. | Serving in uniform during Spring: a case study of the role of the Egyptian military in the transition
2248. | Egypte: de pseudodemocratie voorbij?
2249. | Federalisme in Ethiopië en Nigeria
2250. | The Dilemma Behind Somali Piracy: How Territorial Integrity Hinders Effective State Response.
2251. | European Integration Theories and African Integration Realities
2252. | All in it together? Size, consensual politics and democracy in Mauritius, Trinidad, Fiji and the Solomon Islands.
2253. | Secession and Causes for External State Recognition
2254. | Standing alone when it all comes down: the relationship between personalist regimes and negative post-tenure fates explored.
2255. | The Giant and the dwarf-The Responsibility to Protect norm- succesful on paper, worthless in practice -
2256. | De eliminatie van vrouwenbesnijdenis in Afrika
2257. | Clash of the Projects? New Perspectives for Observing Water Scarcity in the Nile Basin
2258. | Dominant Parties in Liberal Democracies: A Contradictio in Terminis?
2259. | Resource Scarcity, Governance and Violence. Uncovering the Mechanisms
2260. | Egypte: wolf in schaapskleren?
2261. | Inter-rebel Group Alliances in Multi-party Civil Wars: Overcoming the commitment problem -What factors make rebel group alliances more likely?
2262. | Machtsbehoud in Autoritaire Regimes: Zimbabwe onder de loep genomen
2263. | "Allies of Neither Side". Neutrality in Symmetrical Non-Conventional Civil Wars
2264. | Forten, factorijen en fraude
2265. | Beyond the façade: instrumentalisation of the Zambian health sector
2266. | Tamala 1907-1957: between colonial trade and colonial chieftainship
2267. | A grammar of Gaahmg, a Nilo-Saharan language of Sudan
2268. | A grammar of Sandawe: a Khoisan language of Tanzania
2269. | Is appetitive agression a protective factor against the development of posttraumatic stress in formerly abducted people in Northern Uganda?
2270. | Het belang van sociale afstand: ngo's en de Zuid-Afrikaanse staat
2271. | 'De sharia' in rechtssystemen van moslimlanden: een referentiekader
2272. | To which the world sails. Egyptian travel, trade, and trafsformation in the second millennium BCE
2273. | A Description and Ethnoarchaeological Discussion of a Selection of Pottery Workshops in present-day Egypt
2274. | From exclusion via seclusion to inclusion. The multiple narratives from Robben Island, South Africa
2275. | Africa, Archaeology and World Heritage
2276. | Pluractionality in Hausa
2277. | Political shifts and black theatre in South Africa
2278. | Settling in and holding on: a socio-economic history of northern traders and transporters in Accra's Tudu: 1908-2008
2279. | Post-reproductive survival in a polygamous society in rural Africa
2280. | Physical growth, cognitive development and time use of young children residing in a Babyhome in Tanzania
2281. | The Nubis of Kibera: a social history of the Nubians and Kibera slums
2282. | Gender Equality on the Horizon: The case of Uukwambi Tradtional Authority, Northern Namibia
2283. | Stating the Customary: An Innovative Approach to the Locally Legitimate Recording of Customary Law in Namibia
2284. | Speech intelligibility problems of Sudanese learners of English: an experimental approach
2285. | Recherches dialectologiques et dialectométriques nuni (une langue gurunsi du Burkina Faso)
2286. | Alexandrea in Aegypto. The role of the Egyptian tradition in the Hellenistic and Roman periods: ideology, culture, identity, and public life
2287. | Child-headed households: a feasible way forward, or an infringement of children's right to alternative care?
2288. | Travelling hierarchies: moving in and out of slave status in a Central Malian FulBe network
2289. | Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: étude sur l'écriture indigène des Touaregs
2290. | Perspectieven op Afrikastudies en op ontwikkeling in Sub-Sahara Afrika
2291. | Towards Customary Legal Empowerment in Namibia. Concept Note.
2292. | Sharia and National Law in Nigeria
2293. | Language, mobile phones and internet: a study of SMS texting, email, IM and SNS chats in computer mediated communication (CMC) in Kenya
2294. | Things hold together: foundation for a systemic treatment of verbal and nominal tone in Plateau Shimakonde
2295. | Health and demography in late 19th century Kimberley: a palaeopathological assessment
2296. | A grammar of Sheko
2297. | Judicial review of legislation: constitutionalism personified in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa
2298. | Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa. Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Challenges
2299. | The archaeology of the first farmer-herders in Egypt: new insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic
2300. | A grammar of Tadaksahak a northern Songhay language of Mali