Number of records: 750 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Twin2twin - Empowering Midwives and their Association
2. | Twin2twin - Empowering Midwives and their Association
3. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
4. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
5. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
6. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
7. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
8. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
9. | From Unfortunate Bi-Product to International Security Threat
10. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
11. | Stabilization, Extraversion and Political Settlements in Somalia
12. | Marketized Security: The Impact of Trans-National Corporations on how Sovereignty and Rights are Configured
13. | Poverty Mapping Based on First-Order Dominance with an Example from Mozambique
14. | Who is in Charge?: State Power and Agency in Sino-African Relation
15. | Governing economies in areas of limited statehood: anthropological perspectives
16. | Gender, Reproductive Health, and Climate Change: Freedom to Sustainable Development? A case study on the needs for, and challenges with implementing a Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project in Western Kenya
17. | African Solution to African Problems; the case of Eu and Ghana's contribution to Darfur
18. | A pocket of inefficiency? Investigating the implementation of pastoral land rights in Karamoja
19. | The refugees issue from the International to the local dimension: the Italian situation and the case of the Ex-Moi
20. | French foreign policy and the intervention in Libya
21. | Human Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors in Melilla
22. | Fremmedgørelse i en kristen alliance
23. | When Chinese development finance met the IMF's public debt norm in DR Congo
24. | "Landet mellem bomber og champagne"
25. | Selam Selam - Everyday Life, Desire and Interventions
26. | The Violated Children
27. | The road to a better life: A critical perspective on human trafficking, global inequalities and migration from Mozambique towards Europe
28. | Maghrebs syn på Europa i 1600-tallet
29. | National og etnisk identitet i Half of a Yellow Sun
30. | Madness in Postcolonial Fiction
31. | Man, land and language
32. | Skæve fortællinger - LGBT-asylansøgere i det danske asylsystem
33. | Foreign Fighters - et historieprojekt om danske foreign fighters
34. | China in Zambia: A 'Soft' Power Game?
35. | The Communal Land Reform in Namibia
36. | The impact of the resource curse ' Nigeria
37. | Kvinderettigheder
38. | Oplevelsen af Tintin i Congo: Når børnelitteratur tegner et racistisk billede...
39. | Framing the Land: Wilderness, Mysticality, Femininity, and Corruption in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
40. | Geotermisk energi i Olkaria, Kenya - Elektricitet, miljøkonsekvenser og udvikling
41. | Communication for social change in the Northern Ghana. A case study of seven women participating in a media-development project.
42. | The problematic reading of gender in UN documents on sexual violence - An analysis of the UN discourse on sexual violence in the DR Congo
43. | Afrika - Spirende Moderniteter
44. | Popular mobilisation in Burkina Faso: Dynamics of social movements during recent contention
45. | The Legitimacy Of the United Nations Security Council
46. | Chinese Development Assistance in Ethiopia and Angola
47. | Zambia Sugars bidrag til human development i Mazabuka
48. | White African's Burden
49. | Udvindingsindustrien i Sierra Leone
50. | Is Wallerstein's World-Systems Analysis a Dead Fish? The Case of the Mauritanian-EU FPA 2006-2012
51. | South Sudan as a development task: A study of the practices of international development organizations in a fragile state
52. | Street politics of Midan Tahrir
53. | CSR Driven Brand Marketing: The Case of Toms
54. | Only Time Will Tell: China's Investment In the DRC
55. | Folkedrabet i Rwanda
56. | The Mine Workers Union of Zambia's abilities to utilise the Political Opportunity Structure
57. | Folkedrabet i Rwanda
58. | EU & ACP
59. | Smart City Planning
60. | Mine your own business: A critical inquiry into the liberalization of Madagascar's mining industry.
61. | Den søde skatteundgåelse - Zambia Sugars brug af skattely
62. | The Better Good: The Evolvement of the Kimberley Process
63. | Nigeria & Necropolitics
64. | Securitizing Borderless Diseases: The case of Ebola in Sierra Leone
65. | National Interests Meet Neopatrimonialism: EU in the Horn of Africa
66. | Transcending Institutionalized Islam, Approaching Diversity: aAbdelmaaad arf's Conception of a Qur'anic Ethics of Liberation
67. | Kina i Afrika ' En analyse af FDI i Mozambique og DR Congo
68. | Er Demokratisk styring = Menneskelig udvikling - Hvilke strukturer, normer og institutioner påvirker den kausale sammenhæng.
69. | Counting Down to Zero
70. | En undersøgelse af uddannelse som led i afstigmatisering af personer med albinisme i Tanzania
71. | Making media public: On revolutionary street screenings in Egypt
72. | Transnational Desires
73. | EU Development in Africa - Challenges and Changes?
74. | Energiomstilling fra bål og brændetræ til biogas - Et casestudie af mulighederne for energiomstilling i Kilimanjaro regionen i Tanzania
75. | Notas sobre gênero e modernizacão em Mozambique
76. | Islam, secularist government, and state-civil society interaction in Mozambique and South Africa since 1994
77. | Complicities of Western Feminism. A case study of "Why Do They Hate Us? The real war on women is in the Middle East"
78. | Quality of life in South Africa - with a focus on the black individual
79. | Money in the 21st Century - The Rise of the Digital Economy in Kenya and Sweden
80. | Educating a Nation - Civic Education and Governance in Rwanda
81. | tate, Ethnicity & Patron-client networks: A Political Settlement Analysis of Sovereign South Sudan
82. | The Politics of Oil in the Somali Territories
83. | Internship Report: Global Platform Nairobi - Communications Strategy and (online) Brand"
84. | Fransk militær intervention i Mali
85. | Women's Empowerment - en undersøgelse af mikro-kreditgrupper i Tanzania
86. | The Impact of ICC's Intervention in the Kenya 2007 Post-Electoral-Violence
87. | Colonialism and ethnic conflicts in post - colonial africa
88. | street children
89. | Konfliktprævention i Sydsudan
90. | Hvor fair er Fairphone?
91. | Deltagelsesbaseret udvikling - Empowerment?
92. | Human Trafficking Into The Sex-Industry: Challenging The Western Feminist Narratives
93. | EU foreign aid
94. | When Global War on Terror Becomes Local:a Study of Ethnic Somalis in Eastleigh
95. | Principles and Practices of Humanitarian Aid
96. | EU foreign aid
97. | Air Pollution in Egypt
98. | Folkekirkens Nødhjælp i Malawi
99. | The Security-Development Nexus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
100. | The case of LGBT rights in Morocco. Explaining the contrary position of Morocco's international position towards LGBT rights by exploring the United States ' Morocco relation.