Number of records: 632 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | The business of agricultural business services: working with smallholders in Africa
2. | Women and the city II: combating violence against women and girls in urban public spaces - the role of public services
3. | Sweet nothings: the human cost of a British sugar giant avoiding taxes in southern Africa
4. | The state in a globalising world: providing water in Africa: SID NL closing conference, 14 September 2012
5. | Road traffic accidents in Zimbabwe, influencing factors impact and strategies
6. | Transforming education for girls in Nigeria: endline research summary report
7. | Transforming education for girls in Tanzania: endline research summary report
8. | Women in search of citizenship: experiences from West Africa
9. | Capacity-building for knowledge generation: experiences in the context of health and development
10. | Constitutional reform processes and political parties: principles for practice
11. | A golden future in Ituri?: which perspective for gold exploitation in Ituri, DR Congo?
12. | DRC: lost childhoods: the continuing conflict in the Kivu provinces
13. | Domestic versus export markets: challenging the holy grail
14. | Delivering quality early learning in low-resource settings: progress and challenges in Ethiopia
15. | Getting back on track: implementing the UN regional strategy on the Lord's resistance army
16. | Swaziland: male involvement in addressing the HIV epidemic
17. | Le bois à l'ordre du jour: exploitation artisanale de bois d'oeuvre en RD Congo: secteur porteur d'espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises
18. | Social & political perspectives on microfinance : breaking the cycle of political and economic marginalisation
19. | Literature review on factors affecting the utilization of family planning services among women living with HIV in Tanzania
20. | Achieving universal health coverage in Nigeria: the National Health Insurance Scheme as a tool
21. | Access to and utilization of HIV services by key populations in Sudan
22. | Analysis of factors that contribute to utilization of health facilities during labour, delivery and postpartum period in Zanzibar
23. | Factors influencing condom use among women in rural Ghana: a cross-sectional survey
24. | Sexual behaviours and contraceptive use among adolescents in Kintampo, Ghana
25. | Factors influencing access and utilization of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in Sudan
26. | Tapping the potential of renewables: an energy poverty perspective on the European Investment Bank's energy investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
27. | From under their feet: a think piece on the gender dimensions of land grabs in Africa
28. | Incentives for sustainable cocoa production in Ghana: moving from maximizing outputs to optimizing performance
29. | Module 3: thematic note 2: farming as a business and the need for local (agri-)business development services
30. | Religion and development cooperation in fragile states: the complementarity of roles of Dutch NGOs and the Dutch Ministry of foreign affairs
31. | Unravelling local sourcing in Africa: position paper on opportunities for doing sustainable business
32. | Increasing tenure security in northern Uganda: how to use external support for strengthening bottom up approaches
33. | Stigma hinders couples with HIV and AIDS in rural Uganda from accessing services
34. | HIV and gender-based violence among HIV-positive TASO clients
35. | ICT for rural economic development: five years of learning
36. | The role of the state in the development process: notes from Africa
37. | Regional perspectives on the 'dignity revolutions': how Middle Eastern activists perceive popular protest
38. | Unilever sustainable tea: part II: Reaching out to smallholders in Kenya and Argentina: case study
39. | Human rights microfinance & going green in Sierra Leone: opportunities and challenges within an evolving international policy environment
40. | District forestry plan: Lawra forest district
41. | Combating unacceptable forest practices in Ghana
42. | Agrarian change below the radar screen: rising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in west Africa: results from a survey in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger
43. | Etat des lieux de la foresterie communcautaire et communale au Cameroun
44. | The contribution of local governments
45. | Putting heads together: agricultural innovation platforms in practice
46. | Perceptions fuelling gender-based violence and HIV
47. | Sudan's 'new south': the war in southern Kordofan and the prospects for peace
48. | The family: at the heart of managing cultural diversity: conversations with 35 Ugandan leaders and rural women and men
49. | Security promotion seen from below: experiences from South Sudan
50. | Botswana's positive adolescents: challenges of living with HIV
51. | How to turn the tide on gender-based violence, HIV and culture
52. | The Arab street revisited
53. | Certified Unilever tea: small cup, big difference?
54. | Addressing gender equality in agricultural value chains: sharing work in progress
55. | Moving towards a sector-wide approach (SWAp) for health in fragile states: lessons learned on the state of readiness in Timor Leste, Sierra Leone and Democratic Republic of Congo
56. | Transformative TV
57. | Demand-driven project identification: mobilizing demand by weak agencies
58. | More effective information flow between researchers, extension officers and farmers in Zambia: lessons learned from the Zambian Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI)
59. | Multimedia centres for farmers and health workers: lessons learned from the Association of Church Development Projects (ACDEP)
60. | The Nuba Mountains: central to Sudan's stability
61. | Making cents, not dollars
62. | ICT, a genuine tool to reduce isolation and raise health awareness: lessons learned from the 3AG-FABEMA Mandé information network project
63. | Concertation, professionnalisation et visibilité des organisations paysannes grâce aux TIC: l'expérience du projet "Jèkafo Gèlèkan" dans la région de Sikasso
64. | Le centre d'expertise et de recherche en télémédecine et e-Santé, du rêve à la réalité: l'expérience réussie d'un centre de télémédecine et e-Santé malien
65. | A burning issue: the global footprint of coal-fired energy in the Netherlands
66. | International mining corporations and socio-political conflict in the DRC: a case study of the Nia-Nia area, Ituri district, Provincce Orientale
67. | Affaire juteuse ou déception amère: quel est l'avenir des produits dérivés de la mangue au Burkina Faso et au Mali?: perspectives et stratégies pour la production et commercialisation de la mangue séchée, de la pulpe et du jus de mangue
68. | Facilitating pro-poor business: why advice goes further when it's backed by investment
69. | From tropical root to responsible food: enhancing sustainability in the spice trade
70. | Re-thinking civic activism in the Middle East: agency without association?
71. | Research and capacity building for control of neglected tropical diseases: the need for a different approach
72. | When 'civics' go 'governance': on the role and relevance of civic organisations in the policy arena in sub-Saharan Africa: synthesis paper
73. | Lives in transition: research horizons
74. | The old man and the seas: the future of EU-ACP relations
75. | Global health advocate: annual report 2010
76. | Go-to guys
77. | Knowledge programme Civil society in west Asia
78. | Weathering the storm: adolescent girls and climate change
79. | Annual report [2010]
80. | Human security in the borderlands of Sudan, Uganda and Kenya: key advocacy issues from the perspective of a grassroots peace building programme for youth warriors
81. | Women living with HIV: pondering options for pregnancy and motherhood
82. | Positive motherhood: teenage girls living with HIV in Kenya
83. | Lina risked her life to enable her husband become a father
84. | Women, epilepsy and HIV and AIDS in pregnancy
85. | Strengthening social capital: the GoBifo approach in rural Sierra Leone
86. | Using safe spaces and social networks to convey reproductive health information to nomadic girls
87. | Promoting modern family planning among Tanzania's nomadic communities
88. | Maternal health beliefs, attitudes and practices among Ethiopian Afar
89. | Sexual and reproductive health challenges among Botswana's San women
90. | From sorghum to shrimp: a journey through commodity projects
91. | Cordaid jaarverslag 2010: geloven dat het kan
92. | Reproductive health in nomadic communities: challenges of culture and choice
93. | [Gender changing the face of local government]
94. | The growth of cities in East-Africa: consequences for urban food supply: paper developed by the RUAF Foundation for the World Bank
95. | Signing of memorandum of understanding for the inter-party organization for dialogue in Uganda
96. | Fertile ground: how governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers
97. | Mobilising social justice in South Africa: perspectives from researchers and practitioners
98. | Who know best? Children do!: how children evaluate the effects of a War Child programme
99. | Connecting people's capacities for sustainable and pro poor tourism development
100. | Tourism: more value for Zanzibar: value chain analysis: summary report